Will I Know When Inspiration Hits?

Another question I’m asked when meeting people is, “D.J., will I know when inspiration hits me?”  The answer is always, “yes.”  As I wrote about yesterday, inspiration takes on many forms and comes from many places.  It could be the book your reading, a word you overhear, looking in your child’s eyes, or a memory from 20 years ago.  There is no greater feeling than breaking through, and when inspiration hits, it is giving you permission to break through and create.  This is why when I tell people, “yes,” my follow-up to them is always, “when it does hit, what will you do about it?”   Often times they will smile back with no response, as this can certainly catch them off-guard.  Other times, I’ll hear their answers and they’ll talk about their projects, dreams, and ideas.  As we part ways, I leave them with the following.  “Inspiration will strike, it always does.  It might be immediate, or it might be months or years in the making.  Don’t waste this gift.  Take action and do one thing that will move you closer to your goals.”

yours in inspiration, dj


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